Day 1 “Aurora Ride Tour”

Kiruna adalah kota paling utara di Swedia. Salah satu tempat yang tak asing bagi para pemburu aurora borealis. Kiruna Juga akan terkenal akan Ice Hotel-nya. Kiruna bisa dicapai dengan kereta malam, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas tempat tidur, dari Stockholm. Tamu akan dijemput dari Bandara Stockholm menuju stasiun kereta Kiruna. Ada beberapa jadwal kereta dari Stockholm ke Kiruna. Salah satu jadwal yang tepat adalah berangkat dari Stockholm sekitar jam 6 sore dan tiba di Kiruna keesokan paginya sekitar jam 8 pagi.
Di Stasiun kereta Kiruna, terdapat bus antar-jemput gratis ke pusat kota Kiruna. Bus berhenti di terminal bus, dan di sini terdapat banyak hotel dan restoran. Dari sini tamu bisa berjalan kaki ke hotel. 

Hotel yang dipilih adalah Hotel Vinterpalatset. Hotel kecil, tapi sangat cantik dan dan terawat.Karena lokasinya yang strategis,tamu bisa hanya dengan berjalan kaki ke pusat kota untuk membeli makan malam dan membawanya ke hotel sembari menunggu jemputan tur.

Malam hari, tamu akan diajak menuju "Aurora Ride Tour", tour untuk melihat aurora sambil naik dog sleding (kereta luncur yang ditarik oleh sekumpulan anjing).
Sekitar pukul 6 sore, tamu akan dijemput oleh pihak tour. Setelah menjemput 2 peserta lain, tamu langsung menuju ke lokasi tempat semua akan memulai aktivitas masing-masing.
Berikutnya,tamu akan diajak bertemu dengan musher, orang yang akan mengendalikan kereta luncur, dan juga dengan para penarik kereta luncur, yaitu sekumpulan anjing berbulu tebal.
Beberapa di antaranya jenis anjing Husky. Anjing-anjing ini jenis yang sibuk menyalak dan seperti tak sabar untuk mulai berlari menarik kereta. Tali kekang yang menghubungkan antara satu anjing dengan yang lainnya akan dipegang erat oleh musher.

Setelah perjalanan yang memakan waktu beberapa menit, tibalah untuk mengunjungi sebuah pondok kayu kecil yang beraroma kayu manis. Disini tamu akan disuguhi Cinnamon Roll khas Swedia. Setelah Aurora Ride Tour, tamu diantar kembali ke Hotel Vinterpalatset.

Day 2 “Gereja Kiruna & Ice Hotel”

Pada hari kedua,  setelah sarapan tamu akan diajak mengunjungi Gereja Kiruna, yang dibangun dari kayu dengan gaya Sami Goathi. Gereja ini terpilih sebagai bangunan terindah di Swedia pada tahun 2001. Lalu makan siang di sebuah Restaurant Thailand yang menyediakan berbagai menu khas Thailand. Setelah makan siang jam 12.30, tamu akan dipandu menuju Ice Hotel. Cara ke sana cukup mudah, tinggal naik bus dengan tujuan Jukkasjarvi dari terminal bus di pusat kota. Sekitar 30 menit tibalah kami di Ice Hotel.

Ice Hotel di Kiruna, adalah Ice Hotel yang pertama di dunia. Pertama kali dibuka pada 1990. Sesuai dengan bahan bangunannya yang terbuat dari es, maka hotel ini tidak permanen. Ia akan dibangun setiap tahun dengan desain yang berbeda.

Tak jauh dari Ice Hotel, terdapat satu tempat yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjugi, Sami Village. Lokasinya hanya beberapa ratus meter dari Ice Hotel. Cukup berjalan kaki, bisa sampai ke sana. Di Sami Village, kita bisa belajar tentang suku Sami, yang merupakan suku asal Swedia.

Disini tamu juga bisa melihat rusa kutub dan memberi mereka makanan. Rusa kutub adalah hal penting dalam budaya Sami. Mereka menggunakan setiap bagian rusa, seperti kulit untuk membuat sepatu, tanduk untuk membuat pisau dan daging untuk dimasak. Kerajinan sami juga terkenal, mereka menggunakan bahan alami dengan ornamen yang rumit.

Sore, sekitar pukul 4.30, saatnya kembali ke kota. Dengan menaiki bus yang sama dari depan Sami Village, rombongan tour sampai kembali ke terminal bus pusat kota. Sore itu pula, tamu harus kembali ke Stockholm.
Kereta berangkat sekitar pukul 6 sore. Sama dengan perjalanan kedatangan, malam ini semua tempat tidur di kompartemen juga penuh. Rombongan tamu tiba di Stockholm keesokan paginya.

Day 3 Stockholm - Lillehammer 

Setelah sarapan, Bus berangkat ke danau terbesar di Norwegia, Mjøsa dan Lillehammer. Terkenal sebagai tuan rumah Olimpiade Musim Dingin 1994. Populasi Lillehammer hanya di bawah dua puluh tiga ribu penduduk. Yang akan dirasakan yaitu pemandangan alam musim dingin yang tenang dan luas. Anda akan tiba di malam hari dan bermalam di Lillehammer atau kota terdekat. (Tidak ada jalan-jalan di Lillehammer). Hotel: 3 * di Lillehammer City atau kota di dekatnya.

Day 4  Sogndal - Sognefjord Cruise 

Setelah sarapan, Bush melanjutkan ke dermaga Gudvangen di mana Anda akan bergabung dengan Sognefjord Cruise untuk menjelajahi Sognefjord, fjord terpanjang dan terdalam di dunia. Menghabiskan dua jam disini dengan momen pemandangan yang menakjubkan, kemudian kapal wisata telah tiba di Flam. Setelah makan siang (biaya pribadi), Anda akan melakukan perjalanan menuju jalur kereta api paling indah, Flamsbana. Jalur kereta api yang menarik ini menarik pengunjung dari seluruh dunia, pemandangan termasuk fjord yang indah, air terjun, dan lembah. Setelah itu, kemudian kembali ke hotel untuk makan malam (biaya pribadi). Hotel: 3 * di Flam atau kota di dekatnya.

Day 5 Free Time & Check-out

Makan pagi di hotel. Check out hotel dan acara bebas sampai tiba penjemputan menuju Bandara. Sesampainya di Bandara acara tur selesai.

Include :
-Tiket kelas ekonomi PP dan tiket kereta PP
-Makan sesuai rincian program tour
-Akomodasi di Hotel  Vinterpalatset
-Transportasi, snack & air mineral/hari
-Airport Handling
-Porter Hotel
-Tour Guide Profesional

Exclude :
-Visa Swedia
-Mini Bar,Laundry,Internet,Pulsa

Paket Tour Makassar 3 Hari 2 Malam

HARI 01 Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin

Tiba di Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, peserta akan dijemput oleh pemandu wisata kami di depan pintu kedatangan. Selanjutnya menuju pusat kota Makassar yang ditempuh sekitar 30 menit perjalanan. Anda akan kami ajak singgah sejenak di pelabuhan tua Paotere dimana peserta dapat melihat aktivitas para pelaut Bugis-Makassar yang sudah terkenal di dunia dengan perahu/kapal pPinishinya. Makan siang di restaurant setempat. Setelah itu mengunjungi Benteng Rotterdam atau dikenal juga dengan nama Benteng Makassar, yaitu benteng peninggalan kerajaan Gowa, jika dilihat dari atas benteng ini sangat unik karena menyerupai bentuk penyu. Menjelang senja peserta akan diantar menuju Anjungan Pantai Losari Makassar yang ramai dikunjungi oleh warga Makassar dan para wisatawan untuk menikmati sunset. Makan malam di restaurant setempat. Selanjutnya menuju hotel untuk beristirahat.

HARI 02 : Rammang-rammang Full Day

Setelah sarapan pagi, program tour hari ini menuju Kawasan Perbukitan Kapur Rammang-Rammang yang dinobatkan sebagai Perbukitan Kapur terbesar ke-2 di dunia versi UNESCO. Rammang-Rammang terletak di kabupaten Maros yang ditempuh sekitar 1.5 jam perjalanan. 

Tiba di starting point peserta diajak menyusuri sungai Pute yang membelah diantara perbukitan kapur dengan menggunakan perahu kayu milik masyarakat setempat. Selama menyusuri sungai peserta dapat menikmati keindahan sungai yang berada di antara pohon Nipa dan rumah penduduk setempat yang berada di sisi sungai, menuju Kampung Berua atau Kampung Baru. Disini peserta akan disambut suasana alam ditengah perbukitan kapur. 

Setelah itu diantar kembali menggunakan perahu cafe setempat untuk makan siang. Setelah itu peserta dapat menyusuri taman batu rammang-rammang. Dimana terdapat bebatuan kapur dengan berbagai bentuk yang berada di areal persawahan masyarakat setempat. Sore hari kembali ke kota Makassar selanjutnya restaurant untuk makan malam.

HARI 03 Souvenir Times

Pagi hari ini, peserta akan diantar menuju Jl.Somba Opu untuk berbelanja souvenir dan cemilan khas Makassar. Kemudian peserta akan diantar menuju Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar untuk penerbangan selanjutnya.

End of tour/services

Harga sudah termasuk :
Meeting Service, Transportasi AC, Akomodasi di hotel pilihan based on TWN/TPL, Makan dan Tour sesuai program, Pemandu Wisata professional, Entrance Fee & Donation, Refreshment (Mineral Water)

Harga belum termasuk :
Ticket penerbangan, Porter, Driver & Guide Tips, tambahan makanan dan minuman di luar menu yang disediakan, asuransi perjalanan, dan pengeluaran pribadi lainnya.


- Pembayaran DP sebesar 50%
- Pelunasan 5 hari sebelum keberangkatan
- Tour bersifat flexibel ( bisa dikondisikan sesuai permintaan )
- DP yang telah di bayar tidak bisa di ambil kembali
- Pihak Travel dapat sewaktu-waktu membatalkan perjalanan jika terjadi suatu hal yang berada di luar kekuasaan kami
- Harga dan itinerary dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu

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South Sulawesi does have a marine tourism that is no less beautiful than other islands. One of the tours that must be visited by travelers is the island of Bulupoloe. Bulupoloe Island is located in the bay of Bone but belongs to the East Luwu Regency. This tour is located in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

Bulupole Island has its own uniqueness found in the natural mountains that blend with the beauty of the maritime. Has a stretch of fine white sand with an area of ​​about 50 meters, which surrounds the edge of the island.

The sea water is also clear blue, even at some point on the island there are sources of fresh water.Plus the variety of beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish that spoil the eyes, perfect for those who like snorkeling or diving.

Bulupoloe Island is taken from the Bugis language which means cut mountain or separate mountain. It is said that Bulupoloe said that the mountain fault was split in half due to a falling Walenreng tree. The fallen wood of the Walenreng tree was then used to make a boat belonging to Sawerigading (Son of King Luwu) when he wanted to meet his girlfriend who came from China.

This island is a small island in the middle of an uninhabited sea. It is recommended that if you want to visit Bulupoloe Island, and want to see the beauty of the underwater, you must bring your own snorkeling or diving equipment. Because no one has rented the tools.

If you intend to dive must use katinting to the three reefs, it only takes about 15 minutes to get to the diving location. However, if you prefer to enjoy the beauty of the island, you can also walk around the island. There is a source of fresh water at the foot of the mountain and at the top of the mountains of Bulupolo, you can see the stretch of beach that surrounds the island, this place is certainly very suitable for selfie.


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Assalamualaikum Wr.wb.

Hello guys .. welcome back to my blog.

So that you all remember again,let me introduce my self, my name is Syarifah Wika Nabilla, majoring in travel (Tour and Travel Business Study Program) D4, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. This time I will share my experience when taking Nature Fieldtrip 3 days 2 nights at Toraja Regency.

Day 1

The activity began on Monday, October 14, 2019. All students gathered on campus, right in front of the orange building. We were accompanied by 2 tour leaders namely mr. Didit and Sis Miftah. Then there were 2 advisors who accompanied him namely Mr. Amirullah and Mr. Mat. After all gather at 07.30 in the morning, the next session was attendance and distribution of ID cards and luggagetags.

Refreshment is also done before the bus departs to avoid rubbish remaining in the bus. After praying together, at exactly 08.0 am we left for Toraja Regency. Inside the bus Mr.Didit as a tourleader gave a brief direction on tour activities. Then each tour participant comes forward to guiding along the journey. We passed several regencies to get to Toraja Regency. Among them are Maros Regency, Pangkep Regency, Barru Regency, Pare-Pare City, Sidrap Regency and Enrekang Regency.

At 11.00 we arrived at Kupa Beach Restaurant for lunch. The view that is presented around the restaurant is very beautiful because the location of this restaurant is right on the beach and the atmosphere is very cool and beautiful because it is planted with lots of greenery.

Before eating, we were treated to a kind of drink made from white coconut juice. Then there is also a rolled up towel to just clean your hands. The menu served is quite healthy and delicious. In the restaurant area there is also a prayer room for midday prayers.

After lunch and prayer, at exactly 13:00 we continue the journey. At 15:30 we arrived in Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency for coffee breaks. The temperature at that time was rather cold because of the cloudy weather and indeed the location of Bambapuang itself is a mountainous area. At Bambapuang we were treated to an amazing view of Mount Nona. Not to forget we also took pictures together with the background of exotic green mountains.

Right when we left Bambapuang, it started raining. It was 16:30 in the afternoon. The view was obstructed by the amount of fog falling due to rain.

We arrived at Toraja at 6:30 pm, and stayed at the Indra Toraja Hotel. We are getting ready to have dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria. 

After dinner the evaluation session will be continued by the lecturer at 20.30. After the evaluation was finished at 21:30, we returned to the hotel to rest.

Day 2

The next day, which is October 15. After morning call at 05.00 am, followed by breakfast at 06.00 am, we left for Timenbayo at exactly 07.00. After Timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata, which is a giant stone tomb which is the last resting place for the Toraja people.

In the Lokomata, besides we can see the grave, we can also feel the cool air. In the morning we can feel the morning dew and the cold air. After that we did softtracking to mentirotiku.

Then we continued on to mentirotiku restaurant for lunch. In this restaurant, the menu served is brown rice and papiong. And it was all very good This food is also a special food that we must try when we are in Toraja. In mentirotiku restaurant we can also see a very beautiful view that can spoil the eyes with the green plants and rice fields that are there.

After that we use the bus headed to the start point of the Lempo. Arriving at the Lempo star point we continued tracking to Bori. The journey taken is also very exciting like passing through the rice fields. We also stopped at several residents' houses and saw how to make carving at the tongkonan house in Toraja, saw the gravestones of the graves of the Toraja people, and also the baby graves. Toraja baby graves are different from the graves of adults. A dead baby is buried in a Tarra tree. Babies buried in the Tarra tree are babies who do not yet have teeth that are considered still sacred. Tarra tree was chosen as a baby grave because this type of tree has a lot of sap which is considered as a substitute for breast milk. By burying the baby in a Tarra tree as if returning the baby to the mother's womb.

Next we headed to Todi to see first hand the making of traditional Toraja fabrics and clothes made from weaving.

After that we headed back to the hotel and got ready for dinner.
At 08.00 pm we gathered in the hotel lobby to go to the restaurant penyet ria chicken for dinner. After dinner, the evening evaluation continued to discuss the activities carried out earlier. After an evaluation of the night we returned to the hotel to take a rest.

Day 3

On the third day of October 16, 2019, we started our activities at 05.00 am with morning calls and got ready for breakfast. We do breakfast at the Indra Toraja hotel and the menu it provides is also different from yesterday. After breakfast we check out and get ready to go home to Makassar. Before leaving the hotel, we took a picture together first.

After that we headed to the market by foot because the distance is not too far from the hotel, for those who want to buy souvenirs. After that we got on the bus to go back to Makassar. on the way we also stopped at the lakipadada statue in the makale roundabout which is a statue of the hero of toraja.
At 09.30 am we stopped in Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency to enjoy coffee break. After the coffee break we got on the bus and continued on to Teras Empang in Pare-pare for lunch.

We arrived at Terang Empang at 01.30 pm. The food served on the Empang Terrace is very delicious. The restaurant's terrace terrace is also one of the unique restaurants with a shape like a boat and also we see the view of the hill from a distance. After lunch we returned to continue the journey.
We also stopped at the Idaman restaurant in Maros for dinner. After dinner we left the restaurant and headed back to the Makassar tourism polytechnic campus.

Yes, that's how our fieldtrip ends. From this Nature Fieldtrip activity, I got a lot of new knowledge about culture, nature and the environment from several natural and artificial tourism objects in several regencies, especially Tana Toraja.

In my writing this time, only so much can be said. I apologize if there is an error in mentioning the name of the place, speech that is not good, and information that is less interesting, and others. I hope to see you in my next article. Thank you for reading this article.

See you again ….i love you guys <3 o:p="">

Thank You 

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Hello, Ladies and Gentleman.Welcome to my blog..Anyway how are you today? I hope you will be enjoy with my story, but before i tell you about my experience that I had  when i go to Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach with my friends, let me introduce my self first. My name is Syarifah Wika Nabilla,but to be closer you can call me wika. I’m from Tour and Travel Business Study Program ,Diploma 4 Tourism Polytechnic Of Makassar.
Alright, without further ado I will begin to convey the results of my activities during the Marine Tour.
Thurday, Oktober 10th at 06.00 to 07.00 Am we gathered at the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic campus for the absence and distribution of ID Card. I that day, we left accompany with three advisor namely Maam Atri, Maam Mila, and Sir Amir. As well as two tour leaders namely Didit and Sardika.

Then at exactly 07.10 Am we boarded the bus and headed for the Dutungan Island in Barru regency . Each of us has been given guiding material so that it can be explained during the trip.  I happened to get material about special interest in Makassar City .

At 10.00 Am we arrived in Tanjung Indah doubt and from here we will take a boat to the Dutungan Island. I’m very excited because this the first time I try to diving and snorkling. But I’m also a little worried because I’m not good at swimming and don’t know anything about proper diving procedures. But cause the scenery was so beautiful I forgot about my worries. Hahaha.

And of course I took the time for take a picture around Tanjung Indah doubt.

After riding a motorboat about five minutes, we arrived at Dutungan Island. And rushed to change clothes according to the agreed dresscode.

          For you information, Dutungan Island is one of beautiful tourist destination located in Barru Regency, and actually Dutungan Island is included as an island that is on the border between Barru Regency and Pare-Pare Regency. Dutungan Island is a small island with beautiful white sand.

When you go to Dutungan Island you might hear from the local people about this island, they say that the island of dutungan is an island that is very haunted and loud, because it is said that the island is inhabited by many spirits. However, if your intention comes there purely for travel and good intentions, God willing, it will be safe and there is no interference. If you are from Makassar you need approximately 4.5 hours, with a distance of about 130 Km, and if you are from the city of Barru you will need approximately 1.5 hours, and if you depart from Pare-Pare Regency you might need takes about 30 minutes to reach Tanjung Indah doubt, where Tanjung indah is a pier that will take us to the island of dutungan.

The initial activity begins with listening to an explanation of a diving tool called scuba and some other important tools by the diving instructor. We were also given new knowledge about the procedures and rules while in the water.

           Furthermore, after lunch before, one by one then began to use the diving and snorkeling equipment that has been provided and dive into the sea accompanied by several diving instructors.

             I was very excited at the same time thumping when starting to throw myself into the sea. I feel grateful to be able to undergo such a valuable learning process on this island together with our dear friends, seniors, and lecturers. when I am in the sea I can see marine biota in the form of coral reefs, colorful fish, do not forget I also watch the sea anemones that snake beautiful. I also took pictures under the sea. But there was also a friend of mine who was pricked by sea urchins and immediately got first aid. Unfortunately I only took about 12 minutes to dive, and it turned out that the day was starting late. It's time to exchange clothes again. For about 10 minutes there are observation sessions and a short game. followed by a group photo then headed to the motorboat which took us back to the cape of the Tanjung Indah cape and left for pare-pare to stay at the Delima Sari hotel.

            During the trip to the hotel, tour participants continued the guiding on the bus. After arriving at the hotel and getting a room sharing, we are then welcome to get ready and fix ourselves in each room. Each room is occupied by two people. I got a room on the third floor with room number 305.

            At exactly seven o'clock in the evening, wearing batik, we gathered at the hotel lobby to wait for further instructions from the tour leader.

         Next we walk to the nearest restaurant for dinner. The name of the restaurant that we occupy dinner is “Ayam Penyet Ria” . Before eating we pray together, and then enjoy the dishes that have been provided. It feels very nice to be able to eat in a group with friends. Because usually I only eat alone in my boarding house. Hehehe..

         After dinner, we return to the hotel for a presentation session that discusses the handling of marine tours, occupational health safety or commonly abbreviated as K3 during marine tour activities. Each group comes forward and delivers a presentation complete with simulations.
The presentation went fun and smooth. Sometimes interspersed with jokes and laughter. Our lecturers also gave some corrections and additional advice about the topic of discussion. The presentation activity ended with an entertainment session. Each group comes forward and displays the ability to entertain other participants. After the evening program was over, we went to our rooms to rest.

         Yeah, today is friday October 11 2019. Special day because it is my 21st birthday. Haha, well I will continue the story of my experience during the marine tour.

         So after morning call at 04.30 Am, by wearing white clothes and campus sports pants we went through morning exercise and walked to the habibi and ainun true love monument, which is about 500 meters from the hotel.

         On the way back to the hotel one of my friends was sick and had to be given help in the middle of the road. Fortunately we have a tour leader who is alert and responsive so that my friend can be immediately taken to the hotel for treatment.

       And this is my picture when I in front of Delima Sari Hotel after morning exercise in Monument Of Habibi and Ainun.

         After bathing and wearing PDH clothes, we gathered again at the hotel lobby to check out and get ready for breakfast. After breakfast, we continued the journey to the Paputo beach.

       We arrived at Paputo beach before noon. The activity continued with listening to the guiding explanation from participants who had not received their previous guiding turn. while touring around the beach area, we also got the task to make observations.
Tonrangeng White Sand Beach or known by the abbreviation Paputo, has now become one of the new tourist attractions in the Village Lumpu, West Bacukiki District, Parepare City. Lately, Paputo has a lot of interest. Both inside and tourists from outside the City of Parepare.
As the name implies, the attraction of Paputo is of course its white sand. Given, there are rarely white sandy beaches in Parepare. Not only that, the cool air and the waves helped spoil the visitors while relaxing in the gazebo.
For those who bring children, there is no need to worry, besides being able to play water, the manager of Paputo also provides a vehicle for playing for children.

In total there are 15 gazebos for rent, 12 colored gazebos and 3 colorless gazebos.

Paputo also prepared a Cafe, Café New D'Carlos which provides a variety of foods and drinks at affordable prices.

         After the tour participants finished the guiding, we were given the task to observe. I went around and checked every area in Paputo Beach. When the observation has finished, there is free time given and we use it to relax while waiting for lunch. I then took some pictures in each interesting location to capture the moment, while my other colleagues relaxed while spending time singing and dancing together. The manager indeed provides a kind of simple stage entertainment venue complete with sound system.

Photo spots that are also very instagramable and a favorite place for visitors to come. 

        When lunch arrived, the group of women departed first to the restaurant for lunch. while a group of men left for the nearest mosque to perform Friday prayers. The bus moves leaving paputo beach and goes to Terass Empangg Restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant area, I was quite amazed to see the view presented. The place to eat is divided into several sections which all carry the concept as if visitors are on a boat. Its location is close to the river and is an interesting place to take pictures. haha basic crazy photo.

           I think the food is also delicious and a gentle breeze blows as long as we enjoy lunch.
This is the atmosphere created when we all eat together.

With fun I also had time to take pictures of the dishes available. looks delicious doesn't it? Hehehe

         I  was also a little sad when I realized that after leaving this restaurant, we had to go back home. I hope to visit this place again. besides the place is pleasant, the food is delicious, the employees are very friendly.

        While waiting for the group of men to come from Friday prayers, we also went around and looked around. and this is the result of my friend's shots.

         After all finished lunch, we went back to our beloved campus. We arrived at the campus at 5:20. and immediately take each other's belongings that are still in the trunk of the bus. not to forget we re-collect the audio system that was lent earlier. With this, we ended up having a marine tour for 2 days 1 night in New Delhi and the city of Pare-Pare, truly a pleasant.
         From the marine tour activities that we do I can draw the conclusion that the charm of marine tourism in Indonesia, especially South Sulawesi is no less interesting than beaches in other regions. Abundant underwater wealth and very qualified to become a tourist area.
          I am grateful that the activity went smoothly without any obstacles. On this occasion of the marine tour, in addition to gaining experience and a new atmosphere, I also became more motivated to hone good communication and socialization skills, which will be very useful for us tourism people in efforts to develop Indonesian tourism.

           I hope we can continue to maintain, protect, and care for the nautical charm we have to continue to exist in the current millennial era, so that it can continue to be enjoyed for generations to come. I will not forget to thank the ladies and gentlemen of the lecturers who always guide and direct us to become better tourism people. To the tour leader who has to bother managing and handling us. and also to the Avendor and the driver, the destination manager, and others.

          Alright, we finally arrived at the end of the writing. thank you for those of you who have read my writing. I hope you guys want to stop by again on my blog. apologize if there is a mistake in the name and place and words that are less pleasing. well, see you again in my next post. I love you, Guys. heheh.


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