Hello, Ladies and Gentleman.Welcome to my blog..Anyway how are you today? I hope you will be enjoy with my story, but before i tell you about my experience that I had  when i go to Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach with my friends, let me introduce my self first. My name is Syarifah Wika Nabilla,but to be closer you can call me wika. I’m from Tour and Travel Business Study Program ,Diploma 4 Tourism Polytechnic Of Makassar.
Alright, without further ado I will begin to convey the results of my activities during the Marine Tour.
Thurday, Oktober 10th at 06.00 to 07.00 Am we gathered at the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic campus for the absence and distribution of ID Card. I that day, we left accompany with three advisor namely Maam Atri, Maam Mila, and Sir Amir. As well as two tour leaders namely Didit and Sardika.

Then at exactly 07.10 Am we boarded the bus and headed for the Dutungan Island in Barru regency . Each of us has been given guiding material so that it can be explained during the trip.  I happened to get material about special interest in Makassar City .

At 10.00 Am we arrived in Tanjung Indah doubt and from here we will take a boat to the Dutungan Island. I’m very excited because this the first time I try to diving and snorkling. But I’m also a little worried because I’m not good at swimming and don’t know anything about proper diving procedures. But cause the scenery was so beautiful I forgot about my worries. Hahaha.

And of course I took the time for take a picture around Tanjung Indah doubt.

After riding a motorboat about five minutes, we arrived at Dutungan Island. And rushed to change clothes according to the agreed dresscode.

          For you information, Dutungan Island is one of beautiful tourist destination located in Barru Regency, and actually Dutungan Island is included as an island that is on the border between Barru Regency and Pare-Pare Regency. Dutungan Island is a small island with beautiful white sand.

When you go to Dutungan Island you might hear from the local people about this island, they say that the island of dutungan is an island that is very haunted and loud, because it is said that the island is inhabited by many spirits. However, if your intention comes there purely for travel and good intentions, God willing, it will be safe and there is no interference. If you are from Makassar you need approximately 4.5 hours, with a distance of about 130 Km, and if you are from the city of Barru you will need approximately 1.5 hours, and if you depart from Pare-Pare Regency you might need takes about 30 minutes to reach Tanjung Indah doubt, where Tanjung indah is a pier that will take us to the island of dutungan.

The initial activity begins with listening to an explanation of a diving tool called scuba and some other important tools by the diving instructor. We were also given new knowledge about the procedures and rules while in the water.

           Furthermore, after lunch before, one by one then began to use the diving and snorkeling equipment that has been provided and dive into the sea accompanied by several diving instructors.

             I was very excited at the same time thumping when starting to throw myself into the sea. I feel grateful to be able to undergo such a valuable learning process on this island together with our dear friends, seniors, and lecturers. when I am in the sea I can see marine biota in the form of coral reefs, colorful fish, do not forget I also watch the sea anemones that snake beautiful. I also took pictures under the sea. But there was also a friend of mine who was pricked by sea urchins and immediately got first aid. Unfortunately I only took about 12 minutes to dive, and it turned out that the day was starting late. It's time to exchange clothes again. For about 10 minutes there are observation sessions and a short game. followed by a group photo then headed to the motorboat which took us back to the cape of the Tanjung Indah cape and left for pare-pare to stay at the Delima Sari hotel.

            During the trip to the hotel, tour participants continued the guiding on the bus. After arriving at the hotel and getting a room sharing, we are then welcome to get ready and fix ourselves in each room. Each room is occupied by two people. I got a room on the third floor with room number 305.

            At exactly seven o'clock in the evening, wearing batik, we gathered at the hotel lobby to wait for further instructions from the tour leader.

         Next we walk to the nearest restaurant for dinner. The name of the restaurant that we occupy dinner is “Ayam Penyet Ria” . Before eating we pray together, and then enjoy the dishes that have been provided. It feels very nice to be able to eat in a group with friends. Because usually I only eat alone in my boarding house. Hehehe..

         After dinner, we return to the hotel for a presentation session that discusses the handling of marine tours, occupational health safety or commonly abbreviated as K3 during marine tour activities. Each group comes forward and delivers a presentation complete with simulations.
The presentation went fun and smooth. Sometimes interspersed with jokes and laughter. Our lecturers also gave some corrections and additional advice about the topic of discussion. The presentation activity ended with an entertainment session. Each group comes forward and displays the ability to entertain other participants. After the evening program was over, we went to our rooms to rest.

         Yeah, today is friday October 11 2019. Special day because it is my 21st birthday. Haha, well I will continue the story of my experience during the marine tour.

         So after morning call at 04.30 Am, by wearing white clothes and campus sports pants we went through morning exercise and walked to the habibi and ainun true love monument, which is about 500 meters from the hotel.

         On the way back to the hotel one of my friends was sick and had to be given help in the middle of the road. Fortunately we have a tour leader who is alert and responsive so that my friend can be immediately taken to the hotel for treatment.

       And this is my picture when I in front of Delima Sari Hotel after morning exercise in Monument Of Habibi and Ainun.

         After bathing and wearing PDH clothes, we gathered again at the hotel lobby to check out and get ready for breakfast. After breakfast, we continued the journey to the Paputo beach.

       We arrived at Paputo beach before noon. The activity continued with listening to the guiding explanation from participants who had not received their previous guiding turn. while touring around the beach area, we also got the task to make observations.
Tonrangeng White Sand Beach or known by the abbreviation Paputo, has now become one of the new tourist attractions in the Village Lumpu, West Bacukiki District, Parepare City. Lately, Paputo has a lot of interest. Both inside and tourists from outside the City of Parepare.
As the name implies, the attraction of Paputo is of course its white sand. Given, there are rarely white sandy beaches in Parepare. Not only that, the cool air and the waves helped spoil the visitors while relaxing in the gazebo.
For those who bring children, there is no need to worry, besides being able to play water, the manager of Paputo also provides a vehicle for playing for children.

In total there are 15 gazebos for rent, 12 colored gazebos and 3 colorless gazebos.

Paputo also prepared a Cafe, Café New D'Carlos which provides a variety of foods and drinks at affordable prices.

         After the tour participants finished the guiding, we were given the task to observe. I went around and checked every area in Paputo Beach. When the observation has finished, there is free time given and we use it to relax while waiting for lunch. I then took some pictures in each interesting location to capture the moment, while my other colleagues relaxed while spending time singing and dancing together. The manager indeed provides a kind of simple stage entertainment venue complete with sound system.

Photo spots that are also very instagramable and a favorite place for visitors to come. 

        When lunch arrived, the group of women departed first to the restaurant for lunch. while a group of men left for the nearest mosque to perform Friday prayers. The bus moves leaving paputo beach and goes to Terass Empangg Restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant area, I was quite amazed to see the view presented. The place to eat is divided into several sections which all carry the concept as if visitors are on a boat. Its location is close to the river and is an interesting place to take pictures. haha basic crazy photo.

           I think the food is also delicious and a gentle breeze blows as long as we enjoy lunch.
This is the atmosphere created when we all eat together.

With fun I also had time to take pictures of the dishes available. looks delicious doesn't it? Hehehe

         I  was also a little sad when I realized that after leaving this restaurant, we had to go back home. I hope to visit this place again. besides the place is pleasant, the food is delicious, the employees are very friendly.

        While waiting for the group of men to come from Friday prayers, we also went around and looked around. and this is the result of my friend's shots.

         After all finished lunch, we went back to our beloved campus. We arrived at the campus at 5:20. and immediately take each other's belongings that are still in the trunk of the bus. not to forget we re-collect the audio system that was lent earlier. With this, we ended up having a marine tour for 2 days 1 night in New Delhi and the city of Pare-Pare, truly a pleasant.
         From the marine tour activities that we do I can draw the conclusion that the charm of marine tourism in Indonesia, especially South Sulawesi is no less interesting than beaches in other regions. Abundant underwater wealth and very qualified to become a tourist area.
          I am grateful that the activity went smoothly without any obstacles. On this occasion of the marine tour, in addition to gaining experience and a new atmosphere, I also became more motivated to hone good communication and socialization skills, which will be very useful for us tourism people in efforts to develop Indonesian tourism.

           I hope we can continue to maintain, protect, and care for the nautical charm we have to continue to exist in the current millennial era, so that it can continue to be enjoyed for generations to come. I will not forget to thank the ladies and gentlemen of the lecturers who always guide and direct us to become better tourism people. To the tour leader who has to bother managing and handling us. and also to the Avendor and the driver, the destination manager, and others.

          Alright, we finally arrived at the end of the writing. thank you for those of you who have read my writing. I hope you guys want to stop by again on my blog. apologize if there is a mistake in the name and place and words that are less pleasing. well, see you again in my next post. I love you, Guys. heheh.



13 Responses so far.

  1. So colorfull blog wika..nice

  2. Sutiani says:

    Wow... That's amazing experience...👍👍👍

  3. Wow...the place is very suitable for taking photos

  4. Wow...the place is very suitable for taking photos

  5. Amiruddin says:

    ��.... Beautiful... ������

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